Sunday, September 13, 2009


Annaliese is smiling with just one tooth showing in this pic, but has 2 on bottom and 1 just cutting through on the top.

She has just learned to "kiss" things, which she learned by trying to "kiss" that "baby in the mirror" - so cute!  Tonight she was trying to kiss the babies in the books too!

She is pulling up and "furniture-walking" and getting faster at crawling... more pics/video to follow!  This weekend she got some gently-used toys from a consignment sale, including this little table and a walker that she can push- she immediately knew what to do and loves it!  She is SO MUCH FUN and I'm sure she'll be walking soon!


Linda Z said...

Aren't recycled toys great? Especially since they only use them for a few months! :)

Dave, Kristal and Wes said...

I found one of those tables on Craigs list and its Wes' fav. This stage is so fun- independence without total freedom of it. She is getting so much hair too, adorable. PS where did you find that pillow case? I love the simple dress it would be fun to make sometime.

Nikki said...

I'm sorry but I must say this...Annaliese has got to be the cutest little girl I've ever seen. I just can't stand it! She's so adorable.