Monday, January 26, 2009

First Date

Sorry friends, I tried getting her to smile and laugh on video for you, but I think she gets shy when the camera comes out ;)  She is starting to coo now; she smiles, laughs and loves to try to get her whole fist in her mouth.  Sometimes she accidently gags herself when she gets her fingers in to far.

She's getting so big - already 12 lb 4 oz when she went in for her 2 month well baby check up last Wednesday.  When she got her shots, she had the classic heart-breaking-cry-so-hard-it-is-completely-silent and I have to blow on her face to remind her to inhale again and try not to cry myself.  After she cried a bit and then nursed, she left the doctor's office smiling at the nurse who gave her the shot.  Good thing babies don't remember that kind of stuff!  Then her leg got sore in the afternoon and she let me know for a while, but recovered after another nap.

We went out together for the first time last weekend and where did we go?  To the Immanuel High School Winter Formal and then Starbucks!  Wow, we are getting old.  My parents watched Annaliese and absolutely loved it.  It was a perfect date as corny as it sounds, actually.  We got to hang out with our friends (Andy's colleagues & spouses), it was nearby my parents' house in case we had to go get her, and it was free!  We were out for 3 1/2 hours and I only called twice.  Pretty good, I think!  I was just nervous that she might not take the bottle, but apparently she did fine!  Either that or my mom was just saying that so that she could babysit again soon! Actually she really didn't cry at all and I'm sure Annaliese had a great time with Tutu (Grandma) & Opa (Grandpa).

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love her little breathing noises! It's one of my favorite things about babies! SO glad you guys got to go out on a date! You look fabulous! I need to call you and set up a time for us to get together. Have a great day!